
Welcome to the Lithospos Help Centre. Whether you're just getting started with our platform or a seasoned user, our Help Centre is designed to provide you with the assistance and guidance you need to maximise the benefits of it. From setting up stores to exploring advanced features, we're here to support you every step of the way. Let's empower your business together.

Sign up

To Sign up for LithosPOS, go to our website and click on the Free Trial in the top-right corner.
The below window appears: No credit card is required. No commitments. Simply answer a few quick questions to initiate your free trial

  • Start by selecting your store type from the drop-down list
  • Specify the number of stores you own, and proceed by providing your store name
  • Enter your first and last name and your corporate email.
  • Then create a secure password and confirm the password
  • Enter your mobile number, and city, and choose the country where your business is located.
  • Note: If you have multiple stores, please enter the name of one store for now and proceed.
  • After entering all the details click on START SELLING WITH LITHOSPOS
  • A verification email will be sent to your registered email address.
  • Please verify your account by clicking on the link provided in the email. Your LithosPOS account has been successfully created!
  • Next, please log in to your back office using your registered email address and password at
You're all set to get started! Begin exploring the features and functionalities of LithosPOS!