Discount and charges


To add a new discount type Login to back office then navigate to Items and click Discount/Charges.

In Discount/Charges window click on “Add Discount/Charges” button on the right top of the screen. In Add Discounts/Charges window select Discount and name your discounts in Name colomn, then select which discount method you prefer whether Amount or Percentage and then enter the value in value column.

Here in Restricted Access settings, enable it if you want to restrict the employees who don’t have the permission to give discount.

Here in section ‘Stores’ enable the stores were you need to apply this Discount and then click Submit.

When it comes to POS the applied discounts can be viewed by clicking the tag button very left to save button. Each discount icon will be red in color. The applied discount will show below cart and you can also remove it from cart by clicking on delete icon inside it.

If you forget to add discount on an order in KOT, Click on that order and click Charge/Add the order will once again show in Cart, from here select a discount from Discount/Charges and click PRINT KOT. Order will be updated now with applied discount.


To add a new discount type Login to back office then navigate to Items and click Discount/Charges.

Here in Discount/Charges window click on “Add Discount/Charges” button on the right top of the screen. Here in Add Discounts/Charges window select Charge and name your charges in column Name, then select which method you prefer whether Amount or Percentage and then enter the value in column Value.

Here in settings Restricted Access, enable it if you want to restrict the employees who don’t have the permission to apply charges.

Here in section “Stores” enable the stores were you need to apply this Charges and then click Submit.